In 2012, He gave us a vision and In 2014, we responded to His calling and devoted ourselves to developing communion products. In 2016, we released our products: unleavened bread pieces, plastic cups, and juice dispensers to meet the needs of those who wish to observe the Lord’s Communion. In 2017, we further introduced 2-in-1 packages containing both the bread and juice of the Communion. The very name of our company, “habrit,” is derived from the English translation of the Hebrew word for “The covenant.”
habrit aspires to embody the attitude described in Numbers 18:29, “to present as the Lord’s portion the best and holiest part of everything given” to us. Thus, all of our products are conceived and manufactured for the purpose of God’s glory. We continually ask that God grant us the vision and guidance we need to devise our products, as He did for Bezalel while he constructed the holy vessels of the Tabernacle.
Infusing our design process with quality and creativity, our products are built to be affordable, environmentally-friendly, and in accordance with all related government regulations. In fact, habrit communion cups are exclusively manufactured in HACCP-certified clean rooms, and can be easily recycled without polluting the environment. Additionally, each of our 2-in-1 packages contains a printed Bible verse, prompting our customers to preserve the packaging without discarding them as trash. To ensure that the external cardboard casings can be more conveniently recycled, we made an intentional decision not to apply a glossy plastic cover. In all our efforts, we work with all our hearts, “as working for the Lord, and not for human masters” (Col. 3:23). Consequently, we obey the Lord by being good stewards of the earth.
At habrit, we aspire to abide by biblical principles when creating our products, so that we may better serve our fellow Christians as they consecrate their hearts, in remembrance of our Savior. We pray that in being faithful with small tasks, we may also be faithful in the larger tasks God has in mind for us in the future.
► 新酒裝在新皮袋 主耶穌設下聖餐已經兩千多年了,雖然聖餐杯也從石、木、瓷器、金屬、玻璃、紙、塑膠等材料隨著時代不斷地在演進,但亙古不變的是主愛堅定的盟約與人領聖餐時記念祂的心。 主說:這杯是用我的血所立的新約...。整個新約的應許祝福都在人手裡握著的那杯。 願約記聖餐能祝福全球更多與神立約的神國百姓,一起因約領受祝福、勇敢站立 頌讚、榮耀都歸給在寶座上的羔羊! Made in the spirit of Bezale Simply offer the best 民數記 18:29
It has been more than two thousand years since the Lord first called us to observe the Communion. Though the physical material of our drinking vessels may have changed, we firmly believe that both the Lord’s Covenant and the hearts of the faithful who seek the Lord, are unyielding.
The cup symbolizes Jesus’ blood “of the covenant, which is poured out for many” (Mark 14:24). It is our hope that our products can be a blessing for all believers of Christ worldwide. All praise unto the Lamb who sits on the throne!
*Note: all Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV).
Our Vision
1 To present the purest elements before God's Temple, and to come before God with a consecrated heart. 2 To honor the new Covenant between God and his followers. 3 To be God's righteous servants on Earth, and to worship Him alone with a loyal heart. Be faithful which is least.
The Hebrew letter ה , pronounced“ha”, means “the”, whereas the Hebrewהברית, pronounced “brit” means “covenant”. Our brandhabritis therefore derived from the Hebrew words הברית, the convenant. It is believed at that time when Jesus encouraged His apostles, He might have said and pronounced the very word. It is our hope that, when we eat the bread and drink this cup of Lord ,habrithelps remember the covenant Jesus made with us. The Chinese characters 約記 mean remember the covenant. Marvelously, the four Hebrew letters הברית are actually the components of the two Chinese characters 約記, which we used as our Chinese brand name.
Depicts the throne of Jesus and His promise with stamp with us